Yaawwnnn...system uptime 23hr and counting...
(for the record...i have lost count of the night-outs in my new company.)
Its all my fault..I should have spoken when it was the right time, n (1) above all people think they are quite smart and (2) what the other person's been doing is all bullshit.
Our CEO told us (3 of us) to do some herculean task in 15 days. I was on leave for a week, so i had 7 days, and the rest of the guys were like Ok...we'll try to finish..
I explained them how the current project is and doing it in this fashion will be fast, but refer point (1) again.
So i am on leave and when i come back.. i have 2 parts of the project, one the old conventional way and other in a new maverick way.
So far so good...
btw...one of the person here was a fresher and other who (refer pt(1)) has about 4+ yrs exp.
So i keep on tellin this new guy ( names preserved for confidentiality) to use existing Utilities method n stuff...but again refer point (1) + (2).
We managed to complete 90% of the job in 14 days. and today happens to be the D-Day, and what i am doing rt now is changing that guys code to fit the conventional architecture.
sometimes u feel like what the hell...let them do it the way they want.. n fuck them, who cares anyway, no point in telling someone what you have learned and what they shud avoid doing ....
Just chill chill...
Just chill chill...